Sunday 26 January 2020

2.7.70 Avyakt Murli Main points and Churning

2.7.70 Avyakt Murli Main points and Churning

1.Do you consider yourselves to be the forms of love and power?

The eyes of the shaktis are always the embodiment of love, but to the extent that they are the image of love, they are also fearsome to the same extent.  They (the  shaktis) can make anyone the embodiment of love in one second, and they can even destroy something in one second.  So in the same way, do you see both virtues in  yourselves?  

Churning: When our mind (thoughts) and Intellect become cool and calm, we start experiencing feelings of love, peace, tolerance etc. 

One is to experience love and peace through mind. Other is to experience love and peace through self awareness. 

When we know the difference between consciousness and thoughts, we can stabilize in consciousness /self awareness free from the influence/bondage of thoughts. And when  we remain self aware free from the influence of thoughts/mind, there is natural peace and love that is experienced without any influence of five senses and the sixth  sense called thoughts/mind. And this peace and love is the real forms of love and power. And it is also called Atindriya sukh - bliss or sweet silence experienced  beyond the five senses + One mind (thoughts) = six senses.

When we remain self aware, we have full control of thoughts, and hence we can stop any vicious thoughts of self or others by becoming embodiment of self-awareness,  that too in a second.

2. The form of love is visible, whereas the form of power is incognito.  So when will you reveal that fearsome form?  
Just as you yourselves are imperishable, in the same way, it is impossible for you to be touched by Maya and be destroyed.  It is impossible for those who are  imperishable to move along with the waves of Maya (thoughts).  It is impossible for those who remain in the imperishable stage to become subservient to any form of  Maya (thoughts), just as you would say that that is impossible for BapDada. 

3. Nowadays, scientists have progressed so much that even whilst sitting somewhere, they can bring about destruction through their weapons in one second.  In the same  way, is the power of silence of the shaktis not able to work in one second, no matter where they may be sitting?  There should be no need for you to go anywhere, or  for anyone to come to you.  You can bring souls in front of you by attracting them with your pure thoughts.  There is no need for you to physically go somewhere and  make effort.  Now, you will also see such an impact.  Just as you were told by the corporeal form to shoot the arrow in such a way that the bird comes to you together  with the arrow, so, this will now happen through your will power.  Which light spreads the furthest?  That of a lighthouse.  So you now have to become a lighthouse and  a searchlight.  

Churning: Being self aware, it is easy to be detached from thoughts and remain an embodiment of silence. The more we remain an embodiment of silence, our aura or pran  shakti or silence power keep expanding more and more to the extent that it can encompass the whole universe. And in that deep silence we remain connected with Baba and  souls of the world. In that deep silence, free from limited body awareness, we become unlimited in awareness and naturally those who need power receive powers  according to their need.

4. Only those who can search themselves can become a searchlight.  The more you can search yourself, to that extent you will become a searchlight.  If you are not able  to search yourself, you will not be able to become a searchlight.  Now, that time has come.  Now, you must not just be powerful, but you must have will power and wide  power.  Will power and wide power, that is, your vision and attitude should be on the unlimited level.  So, what will you now add?  You have power, but now you need  will power and wide power.  

Churning: By searching my own self by detaching from the bondages of thoughts, being self aware, we become powerful with the practice of deep silence. 

More we remain self aware, the waste thoughts get reduced and the soul becomes more concentrated and focused. And in that deep silence, with concentrated awareness  free from the distraction of thoughts (created by the pull of 5 senses, intellect, mind, worldly news, objects, images, relatives), being constantly embodiment of  sweet silence/power, whatever thoughts/intentions we create, it becomes will power (with complete surrender/will of all other distractions/pulls).

The more we remain free from the awareness of physical body, we remain unlimited in awareness (of deep silence/pran shakti) known as wide power.

5. Only when you have unlimited disinterest can you do service of the unlimited.  You should not have attachment anywhere.  You must not have attachment to yourself  either, let alone attachment to others. 

Some have a bondage tied by a thin rope, but even then, it would still be said to be a bondage.  There is one or another type of weak or strong thread.  Even a bondage  of weak thread would still be called a bondage.  It is just that they will not take long, whereas those who have a bondage tied by thick rope will take a longer time  and also need to make greater effort. All of you know yourselves anyway as to whether you have a bondage of thick rope or thin rope; as to whether it is weak thread or  strong, as to whether you are in bondage or whether you are free.  The meaning of being free means to be clear.  

Churning: Unlimited disinterest happens when we have will/surrender power. To surrender all thoughts, pull of senses, worldly attractions, etc means to have detachment  from bondages of thoughts. When we remain detached from bondages of thoughts, then we can experience self awareness. And being self aware, we can remain detached from  our own physical body awareness. 

Until we become detached from physical consciousness of I am so and so, I am this, I am that, I am good, I am bad, etc. we cannot stabilize in self awareness of bliss,  peace, power and inner smile. So, self awareness leads to unlimited awareness and also helps to remain connected with God.

6. The more you have BapDada's name on your lips, to that extent, there will be your name on everyone's lips. 

Churning: The more we remain free from ego/consciousness of self, more we remain connected with Baba and souls of the world in a subtle way, in an unlimited way  through the unlimited consciousness. 

The sun remains in one place but it rays are connected to the whole universe. Similarly Baba and souls are just point of lights. But the consciousness is always  unlimited connected to the whole universe. But this unlimited awareness is experienced only when we remain detached from the physical awareness of I and Mine. The more  we connect with Baba through heart (feelings of sat-chit-anand), not through mind (thoughts), more we remain connected with souls at subconscious level and hence we  are easily remembered by the souls of the world.

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