Saturday 16 October 2021

Dr. Abdul Kalam's Research and the proven Simple Secrets for Health Care

Tribute to former Indian President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on his 90th birth anniversary on October 15, 2021

Dr. Abdul Kalam's Research and the proven Simple Secrets for Health Care:

The main hypothesis was by adapting a healthy lifestyle of low fat high fibre vegetarian diet, moderate exercise and stress management through Rajyoga meditation, we can decrease load on the heart which in turn should reverse or halt the disease process. Similarly there are many types of meditation, which may suit certain groups of people. It has been recognized that keeping mind and body busy through good work is another way of Yoga.

Life Style Intervention

The life style given to these patients was very simple and rudimentary. In fact, they received a traditional Indian diet having lots of fibre, fruits and sprouts which I understand was a staple diet of every Indian family about five decades ago. The exercise given was simple; a brisk walk both in the morning and evening hours. The major component of the intervention was stress management through meditation. The main efforts were to empower patients with information and education on heart disease and how they themselves can control or reverse it.

Like any medical treatment a visibly marked improvement in cardiac health of these patients could be seen within seven days of the commencement of the intervention. Their requirement of drugs prescribed by their cardiologists decreased markedly. The symptoms of chest pain and uneasiness reduced. Their capacity to exercise improved dramatically. I understand that after six months of intervention some of the patients were even able to take to swimming. The so-called bad cholesterol, stress hormones profile improved noticeably. The psychological or mental health showed considerable improvement.

The heartbeat became very rhythmic and natural. The brain waves especially the Alpha that I understand are an indicator of mental tranquility increased dramatically. In fact, the increased Alpha waves could be recorded both during eye closed and eye open conditions suggesting that while they were doing their routine work mental tranquility was well maintained.

When their angiographies were repeated the control group showed an increase in artery blockage whereas the group, which received life style intervention, showed a substantial decrease in artery blockage. Thus, this experiment clearly gives us ample evidence to confirm our hypothesis about the efficacy of lifestyle intervention in promoting sustainable healthy hearts.

Replication of Experiments

However, I would suggest that the specialists gathered at this Congress should extend this experiment to their establishments in their countries so that what benefit a limited number of people have got today can be shared by the entire universe. This will definitely lead to savings in billions of dollars of expenditure as a large number of diseases are now well recognized to be due to faulty lifestyles. Also, the savings added to the well being of the people can result in faster development due to enhanced availability of healthy human resource and additional funds.

Now I would like to address all the doctors. When a patient comes to a doctor, he considers and accepts doctor as Godly person. He accepts that. Now imagine, when you treat that person, when you are treating a person, he get number of people from his family and friends to see the patient. As a doctor you spread the information, you tell his friends, you tell his relatives, how your relative got a heart problem because of the following reasons. So I will suggest these are the schedule of three dimensional schedules he should follow. If you spread this information, that will be the best teaching. You will become a teacher, not only a doctor, you should be a teacher also. They will believe you because you are treating the man or women. You agree? Yes or no?

On this occasion let me wish you success in your mission of removing the pain of the people by adapting the preventive strategy and giving a simple solution of healthy life style to the ailing humanity.

May God bless you.

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