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Avyakt Murli:
Essence: The account of the
devotees and the Pandavas.
Blessing: May you be a hero actor
who becomes a flying bird instead of dangling on the branch of elevated deeds.
At the confluence age, the
elevated deeds that you perform are branches of diamonds. No matter what type
of elevated deed of the confluence age it is, to be tied in the bondage of
elevated deeds or to have limited desires is a golden chain. You must not dangle
on the golden chains or diamond branches because a bondage is a bondage and this
is why BapDada is reminding all the flying birds to go beyond all bondages,
that is, beyond all limitations and become hero actors.
Slogan: The face is the mirror of
the inner stage and so your face should never be dry (khusk), but it should be
happy (khushi).
GOD SAYS.........:
Sweet children, surrender everything you have,
including your body, and then take care of it all as a trustee and your
attachment will be removed from it.
Question: What method should each
spiritual child definitely learn?
Answer: Definitely learn the
method of doing service. Have the interest to prove who God is. You have
received the Father’s shrimat: Become sensible and give everyone the Father’s
message. Print such good introduction cards that people come to know that
calling God omnipresent is to insult Him. You children can serve pilgrims very
Song: What can storms do to those whose Companion is God?
Essence for dharna:
1. Keep the name and form of Shiv Baba (Benefactor
GodFather) alone in your intellect. Do not become trapped in the name and form
of anyone else.
2. Don’t be concerned about the storms of Maya-vices. Mine
is one Shiv Baba and none other: remove all storms in this way.
Blessing: May you be a victorious
jewel with faith in the intellect and constantly move forward with happiness by
keeping your specialities in front of you.
Keep all your specialities and
not your weaknesses in front of you and you will have faith in yourself. Do not
think of your weaknesses too much and you will then happily move forward. Have
the faith that the Father is the Almighty Authority and so those who are
holding His hand will definitely go across. Those who constantly have such
faith in the intellect become victorious. When you have faith in yourself,
faith in the Father and faith in watching every scene of the drama, you will be
Slogan: Maintain the royalty of
purity and you will remain detached from limited attractions.
GOD SAYS..........
Sweet children, Shiv Baba
(Benefactor GodFather) is the altruistic number one Trustee. Transfer your old
bags and baggage to Him and you will receive everything new in the golden age.
Question: Which children does the
Father have to take care of in every way?
Answer: The Father is very
concerned that the children have faith in their intellect and give their full
news to the Father and take directions from the Father at every step. Baba
says: Sweet children, you must never have doubts about shrimat. If you have
doubts, Maya will cause great harm. She will not allow you to become worthy.
Song: I have come to your doorstep having taken an oath.
Essence for dharna:
1. Do not see the weaknesses of anyone. Make a connection
with one Shiv Baba. Consider the shrimat you receive from Baba to be right and
continue to follow it. Never have doubts about shrimat.
2. Fully insure your body, mind and wealth. Take shrimat at
every step. Pay full attention to the study.
Blessing: May you remain carefree
and become an embodiment of success by surrendering service to the Father with
your intellect.
No matter how difficult any
service is, surrender that service to the Father with your intellect. Do not
have any consciousness of “I”, such as “I did this and was not successful.” It
is the Father’s service and He will definitely do it. Keep it in front of the Father
and you will remain constantly carefree and also be successful. Never sow any
seeds of weak thoughts. Do not think that you are doing service and are not
receiving the Father’s help and that perhaps you are not worthy. That is a
waste thought and it distances success from you.
Slogan: Only those whose lamps of
awareness are constantly ignited can become the lamps of the spiritual clan.
GOD SAYS........
Sweet children, cool everyone
down by sprinkling cool drops of knowledge on them. You are the goddesses of
coolness who shower knowledge.
Question: Why has the Father
given you the urn of knowledge?
Answer: You have been given the
urn of knowledge so that you can first cool yourself down and then make
everyone else cool. At this time, everyone is burning in the fire of lust. Take
them off the pyre of lust and make them sit on the pyre of knowledge. When
souls become pure and cool, they can become deities. Therefore, you have to
give every spirit the injection of knowledge and purify them. This is your spiritual
Song: The rain of knowledge is on those who are with the Beloved.
Essence for dharna:
1. Keep your intellect constantly connected with the one
Father. Do not let your intellect go towards the old home and the old world.
Make your stage so concentrated and stable.
2. Imbibe in yourself all the
specialities of the Father. Sprinkle drops of knowledge on every soul, put out
their fire and make them cool.
Blessing: May you be a conqueror
of Maya and experience God’s canopy of protection by constantly staying within
the line of safety.
“The Father and I” is the line of safety and
this line itself is God’s canopy of protection. Maya cannot have the courage to
come close to those who stay within the line of this canopy. You will then become
ignorant of words such as ‘effort’, ‘obstructions’ and ‘obstacles’. You will
remain constantly safe and merged in the Father’s heart. This is the easiest
and fastest way to become a conqueror of Maya.
Slogan: when you remain decorated
with all the ornaments of divine virtues, there cannot be any arrogance.
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