Friday 19 June 2020

Spiritual Power – The tool to receive God’s Help

Spiritual Power – The tool to receive God’s Help

Introduction: Spiritual Power is known in different names like God’s Power, Power of Silence, Self Consciousness, Soul Power, Divine Power. Spiritual Power is attained by a process, like every Scientific Invention has a process to get it invented or created.

Although Consciousness or Soul has its own power, but due to its various applications, Soul power always gets depleted. And it needs to be re-charged like we charge our mobile phone after its every use. Like Mobile phone is connected to the Electric power source for charging, Consciousness needs to be connected with Supreme God or Supreme Awareness to replenish its depleted power.

Spiritual Power has various applications. Mainly it is used for two purposes:

1.      To re-emerge our original nature of peace, love, happiness, bliss to lead a stress free and healthy day to day life. This also brings transformation in our life. The process to experience this divine nature is explained in 3rd Eye Meditation

2.      To accumulate the power of Silence, to protect ourselves from various obstacles that are created by 5 elements, natural calamities, famine, disease and day to day issues that affect us because of our karmic deeds. The process to experience the power of silence is explained in the Healing Power Meditation

What are its applications?

1.      By 3rd Eye Meditation, as we accumulate the qualities of peace, love, happiness and bliss, our past habits of Rajasic and Tamasic nature gets diluted and we will become natural or pure with our Satwic nature. More Satwic we become, more divine virtues we inculcate in our sub consciousness and our interactions with people will become more peaceful, honest and divine. We remain free from mental and physical diseases.

2.      By practicing Healing Power Meditation, we develop a Spiritual net of Silence around our body, family members, society, state, country and the world. This power of Silence will protect us from various obstacles that happen to us or around us. This also helps in developing Concentration and increase Power over Intentions.

Why Spiritual Power is not protecting people from mosquitoes or normal issues or the body illness they have and even death in spite of doing intense meditation and being great meditators?

Because it follows some principles and methods.

Spiritual power never follows the laws or expectations that we create with our limited mind. It works based on the Divine Principle of Unconditional love, Assistance when there is a real need, Help provided when all physical protections fail and when there is total surrender or letting go. It also takes into consideration to help you settle your karmic accounts at ease.

Since me, the consciousness exists for all the time, God does not have to bother whether I exist here on earth or in some other plane. It is human being who bothers not to leave this earth out of attachment. Still God considers our desire if there is really a need and if we have accumulated enough spiritual power for Him to provide His Help.

When do I really receive help from my Spiritual Power?

Spiritual Powers come to our rescue in an unexpected way due to various reasons. For some the help arrives:
a.       before any incidence,
b.      for some, it is during the incidence
c.       for some, it is after the incidence,
d.      for others, it is to bear the consequences
e.       For some, there is complete protection
f.       For some, it is partial protection

Like examples: Dr.Ben Alexander, Mrs. Anita Moorjani who received help after death and they could come back to the body through spiritual power and once again able to lead a normal life.

There are great spiritual leaders who had to settle their karmic accounts through the body. For them the spiritual power gave them the power of tolerance to tolerate all the problems by helping them to remain detached from the body making the crucifix like illness become like a thorn.

There are others who never have much karmic accounts to settle, receive help every moment in every situation.

There are some who had to face very difficult situations but their mind is made to remain beyond all the difficult issues keeping them unaffected from what is happening around.

There are others who had to undergo a great pain but they were made involved in joyous moments where they don’t get opportunity to experience or brood over the pain.

There are others who are made to leave the body at ease without any difficulty or pain during death.

There are many who receive help even after they had a very severe accident but it is like they pass through them very smoothly without any pain and they get proper help and come out healed and lead a natural life once again.

Many develop other spiritual powers like Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP), Out of Body (Astral Travel) Experience for Spiritual Service during sleep, Future Predictions, Forecasting incidences, Reading or understanding feelings and thoughts of people, Having Farsightedness, Fulfillment of desires, hopes, receiving unexpected help, Cooperation from people and from unknown sources, healing disease of self and others, Power over Elements, Blessed with health, wealth and prosperity. Some receive these powers due to their accumulation of spiritual powers in their previous birth.

And there are incidences like when people get protected during Earth quake, Tsunami, Big fall, Electric Shock and even Covid-19.

What is the principle on how this Spiritual Power work?

1.      It works from the Divine Mind, Divine Plan and Divine Direction. Hence never have desire or expectation of something should happen with your spiritual power.

2.      God or Divinity does not show partiality. It is our duty to see how much I accumulate this Spiritual Power by various means. If I practice it daily and have more like a Bank Deposit, more I receive Divine help at the right time.

3.      It becomes easy to accumulate Spiritual Power when my mind or thoughts become more  Spiritual or Satwic in nature. One way to develop this spiritual nature is by practicing 3rd Eye Meditation:

4.      More Satwic I become, It becomes easy to accumulate the Power of Silence. And one technique to accumulate the power of silence is the Healing Power Meditation:

What are the various other methods to accumulate Spiritual Power other than the Meditation?

1.      Doing Unconditional Selfless Service to Humanity
2.      Accumulate Blessings from all by various ways
3.      Having good wishes and good feelings for all
4.      Positive Thinking
5.      Think, Speak and Act in an unlimited way
6.      Keep the mind – thoughts pure
7.      Reduce the speed of thoughts
8.      Help Each Other
9.      Study and Understand Spirituality and Share it with others
10.  Spend time in solitude in remembrance of God

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