Tuesday 2 June 2020

The Hidden Secret of Bliss.

The Hidden Secret of Bliss?

Bliss is known as the ultimate state of experience in meditation. It is not just limited to saints and gurus but this state of consciousness is for any person like you and me, to help in carrying out our day to day activities with hope at every moment, confidence, stability, enthusiasm, good wishes, love,  faith in human interactions. It improves efficiency in whatever actions we perform. It keeps our mind free from expectations or anxiety but contentment and satisfaction leading to a stress free healthy life.

To experience bliss, we need to have:

a.       Practice of creating conscious thoughts with attention or awareness of third eye. We should understand that so called spiritualized self awareness is nothing but our day to day attention in our routine actions.

b.      Practice of being self aware of inner silence, with awareness of third eye, whenever I am not creating thoughts and not using my senses. This is experienced by total detachment from physical body without much movement in the physical organs and senses. This state can also be called as bodiless state. This is nothing but a state of deep relaxation of our body which we usually experience after physical exercises like walking, Suryanamaskar and Shavasana.

c.       Practice of experiencing divine feelings of sweet silence, love, happiness emerging or oozing out from deep within. And the reality of these feelings is, they are natural nature for every human being and mostly observed in children and when we are with our friends. We can emerge these qualities once again by connecting with God who retains these qualities constantly unlike human being.

In various scriptures, this bliss is called as Samadhi, turiyateet, Satchitanand etc. The qualities of blissful awareness are:

a.       It is Self aware with attention on third eye which also known as state of incorporeal or bodiless stage or physical relaxation. The sign of bodiless stage or deep relaxation is, it gives you experience of deep silence.

b.      There is no existence of ego, it is an experience of egoless stage free from thoughts of past, and future but just present.

c.       It is Vice-less, free from the vices of lust, anger, greed, attachment, competition, jealousy etc  becoming like an innocent child and

d.      There is experience of divine, positive, joyful, sweet and self empowering virtuous qualities in our day to day interactions with job, situations and people.

Q n A

1.       How to experience this bliss?

It is better to practice at dawn and dusk – early morning and evening hours when our thoughts are naturally very few in numbers. The steps to follow are:

a.       Detach from external situations, physical body, 5 senses and thoughts

b.      Focus on inner silence, with attention on third eye

c.       Experience sweet silence with inner smile, peace and happiness with love for God.

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