Wednesday 1 September 2021

Research, Applied and Proven Techniques for Healing, Depression and Self Management with Raja Yoga

Research, Applied and Proven Techniques for Healing, Depression and Self Management with Raja Yoga

1. Dana, Azeem (2021): Back to Science of Consciousness: Science of Raja Yoga and the need for reversal of Psychological Paradigm.. figshare. Preprint. 

2. Dana, Azeem (2021): Psychology of Depression and Emotional Healing.. figshare. Conference contribution. 

3. Dana, Azeem (2021): Emotional Abuse. figshare. Online resource. 

4. Dana, Azeem (2021): Third Eye Meditation. figshare. Media. 

5. Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali (English) by Psychologist Azeem Dana: