Saturday, 17 February 2018

Past Life Regression - is it worth of so much excitement?

1. Past Life Regression is a process of remembering our past of either from childhood or from the previous lives by relaxation.

2. Human beings are mainly of two categories. One who dominantly use visualizing and the other who is dominant in feelings. Those who can visualize have a nice feeling of hypnotherapy - relaxation compared to those who feel. But both can have the insight and understanding for the emotional healing which is the main purpose of regression. 

3. The publicity created by media on past life regression creates lot of excitement among public but the truth is something different.

4. There is no evidence that what you see as past life is really your past life. It can be something what you have seen in television, movie, read in novel, what you have imagined yourself or sometimes it may also be true.

5. The real purpose of past life regression is to remove the emotional blockages irrespective of whether it is true or false. So, that the person can lead a happy life of self awareness free from remembering the past of either good or bad.

6. In Buddhist scripture, the method to remember your past life is to remember each and every incidence of every moment of the day, yesterday, last week, last year till the childhood and to know the past of previous birth.

7. In fact, past life means nothing but the emotions, behaviour and attitude of what you carry now. To know the past, you need not remember your past lives but understanding your present nature will give you an insight of all your past lives.

8. There are scripts provided in your books of p.g. and to regress to the past which are used to desensitize the stress-emotions, to release the childhood traumatic memories, to get rid of anxiety, to do rescript of past memories.

You will learn more when you come for the Internship or Train the Trainer training programs at Mount Abu. Some regression results, you may find here:

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