Bitter Truths
of Spiritual journey leading to Sweetness
excerpts of personal
spiritual diary from 2015 to 2018
1. Action
2. Awareness
3. Celibacy - Purity
4. Concentration
5. Detached Observer
6. Ego
7. God
8. Mind
9. Physical Body
10. Silence
11. Soul Consciousness
12. Signs
13. Tolerance
14. Will Power
2. Awareness
3. Celibacy - Purity
4. Concentration
5. Detached Observer
6. Ego
7. God
8. Mind
9. Physical Body
10. Silence
11. Soul Consciousness
12. Signs
13. Tolerance
14. Will Power
1 Know that whatever job you do,
wherever you are, you help all types of people by doing all types of job by
your abilities, strength of character. In fact all types of actions are
spiritual not just only those actions what you think are spiritual.
2 Even sweeping the floor, supplying
water or furniture, all gives comfort, peace of mind, happiness to souls.
3 If u are not happy with what you are
doing, find the spiritual aspect of all actions or make a shift gradually.
4 Always have faith and hope. Learn from
your experience and keep moving / changing. Never it’s too late, even from now,
you can pick up.
5 Sense is not under control, is
reflected in normal activity of the person by their restlessness.
6 Re-experience the past emotions, being
light (detached), to stop the emotional charges.
7 Think and act from being unlimited
awareness is known as soul conscious
8 Think and act from limited awareness
is known as body conscious
9 Practice...practice...practice....
10 Spend more time in meditation to settle
karmic accounts to keep health, wealth and happiness stable.
11 Don’t be a prayogi(experimenting) soul
but loving soul. By love for God you get all powers than being a prayogi
-experimenting soul.
12 5 to 6 am is to be used for planning or doing
important work.
1 There is weakness when there is lack
of spirituality in awareness, vision and attitude - 1972 avyakt murli
2 Always keep the method and fortune
maker in awareness.
3 With Constant self awareness, all
stimuli are totally under control.
4 Without Constant awareness of self,
stimulus goes out of control.
5 With one thought you are God conscious
and with more thoughts you are soul conscious.
6 Incorporeal is awareness of * at the
centre of forehead. Egoless is God consciousness. These two are maintained when
we are viceless, free from disturbance of chit or sub and un conscious mind.
7 Be aware of clear awareness, alertness,
the highest bliss connected with unlimited mind without any limited thought,
all the time. Not to use mento emotional energy. Perception, perceived and
perceiver, all three has to remain together.
8 When there is awareness of *, the
body-chest remains straight-alert. When there is no awareness, the chest
9 Every second and Constantly be aware
of self * with attention and awareness not becoming completely action conscious
at any point of time.
10 Not just thinking as point* but knowing,
seeing and feeling as * with natural expanded awareness free from conscious of
11 Being a *, by awareness of * natural
qualities, to remain connected - naturally combined in supreme * awareness to
receive power and to control the five elements (body and nature).
only method to remain celibate is by keeping the mind free from images of all
physical beings, not thinking about any individuals or things, not recording
their images, not looking at them at all, not watching images of human beings.
is possible only when we experience the sweetness, lightness of our own self
and God all the time constantly even during interaction with human beings.
Constantly in touch with own spiritual nature, natural feelings of peace, love,
happiness, bliss, not registering any images or thoughts of physical world in
the mind even when we come in contact with them.
this, the mind has to be kept constantly (every second) clean and clear, like
the mirror if there is dust, the image is not reflected as it is, but keeping
it clean the images are clear. Similarly, our mind has to be kept constantly
clean without getting lost in awareness of any physical being or objects or
information or action, not attracted to anyone or any thing, always lost in
awareness of self or God consciousness.
completely becoming free from the physical or body consciousness, free from
compulsions of physical senses / organs / habits / past thoughts, free from
mind being influenced by anything physical, constantly reveling in higher level
of subtle and spiritual consciousness, we remain pure and celibate.
1 Let the mind be focused, concentrated
and attentive (without tension) on One, all the time.
2 Practice continuous focused
concentration to have spiritual experience in paramdham, in subtle world with
all deities and BapDada, and also with different qualities.
3 Constant remembrance being focused and
attentive and with one thought with lightness, feeling that we think, speak and
see through soul, from(through) forehead, and looking at others as soul.
4 Where attention is, power is
generated. Have constant attention on self to realize the complete power of
self – soul…..Concentration, Focus.
5 Become like God to read thoughts of
others. By Attention.
6 Everyday Practice concentration of
thought- third eye, focus.
7 Stop reading and listening to
knowledge but only practice concentration on soul and supreme soul. (Note: Daily morning, listening to Divine version is a must).
1 Soul (Observer)...mind(Instrument of
soul)....body(Soul work through organs)
2 Be a detached observer, so that mind
will become calm, and keep the body relaxed, become bodiless, so that you
become free from burdens of mind and body to experience the natural quality of
3 Always remain a detached observer,
satchitanand, whether anand (bliss) is there or not, still remain a detached
observer all the time. (Being a detached observer leads to bliss).
4 1st step is to remember self (be a
detached observer). 2nd step is to experience the inner smile and inner bliss
dying alive from body awareness like ketu, the one without head(ego).
5 Soul consciousness is silence, being a
detached alert observer and use mind only when it is required, like the
military army alert soldier.
6 Remain like a lotus flower and ocean, attached
but detached, extrovert and introvert at the same time.
7 Be a detached observer all the time
and use the mind and intellect whenever required being a master almighty
8 Practice detached observer, more time
in solitude, to get thoughts on what to do for God (service) and others, and
also to dwell into deep soul conscious to regain lost powers.
9 Four Stages / Awareness: a. Sakhi
stiti (detached observer stage), master almighty with power to face,
incorporeal and unlimited b. Atam abimani-incorporeal, egoless, viceless,
blissful, loving, whilst alone. c. Dehi abimani or angelic stage during normal
interaction, egoless and viceless and d. God consciousness, unlimited
10 8.8.17 murli speaks about not incurring
sin by mothers who are compelled by husbands.
11 To experience soul all the time
completely detached from body while walking, reading, talking. This happens
when we are detached from body, mind and all physical world.
12 Every day spend time in solitude to get
new insights.
13 Forget even remembrance of God or self *
since they are just thoughts, just be aware of self by looking at the wall or
space. (to experience being self combined with God)
14 More self awareness, there is natural
remembrance of Supreme *.
15 Remembrance of * helps to keep the self
free from physical beings and objects.
16 Being clear, self naturally remembers
the paramdham blissful Supreme* in the here and now.
17 Know self as * not any part of this body
and focus on * all the time.
1 Why mood changes? Because we see the
physical form (people and objects) instead of * (soul).
2 Even repeating thoughts can be applied
full stop when you lose your ego and replace it with God's love and
remembrance, this should be maintained constantly.
3 Action: be egoless and live only in 100%
Baba's (God’s) awareness all the time, Bapsaman (like God).
4 Remain constantly embodiment of love
and power, being egoless (Baba in mind-lost in love) and seeing everyone as
1 By remembering Baba (God), we become
cheerful. But how to remain cheerful all the time even during seriousness?
(Remain light and cheerful from within)
2 Remember Baba and be cheerful all the
time, being aware even during sleep, otherwise you incur loss every second.
3 Let the deep meditation attract the
souls, towards God.
4 What is not achieved by sakhi stiti,
atmic stiti and dehi abimani is achieved by Paramatmic combined stiti.
5 Become completely dependent on God, take
less (right) quantity of food with awareness so that it never upsets the
stomach and divert attention from self awareness.
6 Being God-like: Practice being
unlimited, in mind, like advaita awareness like Baba, incorporeal.
7 Surrender (Will Power) all plans or
thoughts to God. Keep being lost, experience more absorption again and again.
8 Don’t just be detached and soul ☆ conscious. To receive power, be Combined and God ☆ conscious, unlimited, detached, powerful and loving
both at the same time and all the time be God-like. Son shows Father, practice
this, the only goal of life.
9 There is only remembrance of God, no
thought of soul.
10 be prayogi (experimenting), but
lost in love of One.
11 Meditation: be in powerful Supreme ☆ awareness with unlimited awareness, Bapsaman
12 Be conscious along with experience of
supreme ☆ with all His qualities
and power, all the time.
13 One is to lost in love of Baba and
reflect Him. Other is to become like Baba with all Godly powers like the guru
and guru's guru of Swami Rama.
14 Ask and do everything by asking Baba
(not any human being).
15 Feel Baba as floating (star), real as He
16 Baba does not have any relation in this
world even friends and colleagues. Be like Baba detached from all known people.
17 Maintain the blissful point state of
mind all the time, 24hrs, to experience
power of drishti(vision) like Baba and have same unlimited love for man and
animals free from all limited relations.
18 Remain merged in love constantly. Not to
forget Baba even for a second, even during actions. Constant natural attention
of love.
19 Just being soul conscious makes the head
heavy. What is required is to become unlimited in love and unlimited in power.
Know self as soul to become unlimited. Know God to become unlimited. Or become
unlimited in love and power to connect with self and God.
20 Remain sheetal (cool) like Baba(Brahma-Adam)
and shiv baba (God, Allah, Jehovah) all the time even while writing, talking, watching
movies, doing asanas, all senses and mind to be cool even during experience of
5 vices. Once you become completely free from physical awareness by having
constant self awareness, 5 vices never appear.
21 Dharana, dhyana and samadhi- remember
Supreme*, become one with Him and get lost in Him in His awareness.
22 Shiv Baba (God) need not have mind.
(conscious and sub conscious mind need not exist since God does not have
physical and subtle body unlike human beings).
1 When I do not associate with the mind,
I remain as I am, detached observer of my mind.
2 All spiritual effort and practice is
not to become detached from world, people, things or thoughts but to detach
from unconscious attachment/association of i (soul) with my mind, thoughts, people/things.
3 One is the expression of soul by
unconsious association with mind, is known as body conscious, the cause of all
suffering. The other is expression of
soul by conscious association (and dissociation) with mind is known as soul
conscious (with angelic qualities).
4 The powerful original expression of
soul conscious is to remain detached from mind, being as I am, being a detached
observer of mind, asochtha (only one stream of thought at a time), like sun,
moon, trees. They never think but do things at the right time.
5 Merge conscious into sub conscious and
subconscious into conscious, to always use subconscious at all the time.
6 Egoless, lost in love of God, no i or
mine, Asochtha.
7 Being in Sub conscious is soul
conscious without using mind (but one thought at a time, not many thoughts).
8 Mind (with more than one thought) is
conscious and soul (being a detached observer with single stream of thought) is
9 When conscious becomes still, sub
conscious (soul) unites with the divine consciousness, becomes combined.
10 Constantly be combined(with Godly
unlimited awareness) without ego, either loving or detached. And because every
thought uses your time, energy, mind and modify the biological system, it is
advised to restrain as much as possible from worldly thoughts except service
(actions that are useful to self or others).
11 To remain in conscious awareness all the
time in deep peace. Use mind and intellect only if required. (use it with
self-control without much speed).
12 Maintain balanced state of mind all the
time even while preparing or consuming food.
13 See mind not as a separate organ but the
thoughts of soul. Conscious and sub conscious are thoughts due to body
conscious and super conscious (feelings or one pure stream of thought, of
peace, love, happiness, bliss) is due to soul conscious. And super conscious
are permanent memories unlike conscious and sub conscious. (Note:
Superconscious is also known as sub conscious or deep natural state of
14 Stop thinking from now onwards, just act
and dissolve the mind to save energy loss. (to act directly from Consciousness
– like God).
15 Use sub/super/soul conscious mind at all
times avoiding conscious thinking and decisions. No waste thoughts.
16 Wake up naturally early in the morning
to have good yoga but have the intention before sleep. (to wake up
17 Method is Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
1 Every illness has a cause. Identify
the cause to get rid of the effect along with medicine. This is more effective
for Mental disorders than using psychiatric medicine or psychometric chart.
2 Afternoon, body can digest better so
eat more in the afternoon and eat less for dinner.
3 More you practice point or remember
Baba (God), the pineal gland (brain) gets electrically charged to have
spiritual experience.
4 Prepare to keep mind, breath and body
calm and relaxed to remain aware throughout the night to be in God's lap, to
make next day and every day powerful and to make final moments to be in Baba's
5 Learn the muscle testing and also
learn to know by intuition being self aware
6 Sleep in shavasana, sleep, walk and
speak in bodiless stage. Bodiless stage can heal, rejuvenate body.
7 Mind has to be silenced, Amygdala-sub
conscious has to be quietened. Vagus nerve/as per vagus theory, crisis has to
be generated physically, mentally and emotionally to release the blockages.
This can be done by gazing, passes up to solar plexus, passes to crown
chakra to influence front lobe-cortex, by synchronizing the movement, all without
words, holding the head by holding left and right temple-forehead,
passing right and left lobe, by strong and repeated intention (not words).
Regression can be done by touching the third eye-activating the third eye.
8 Constantly remain beyond the 5 senses
of body consciousness including mind by constantly remembering only the supreme
point free from all physical objects and beings.
9 Not to see or think about any human
being-any individuals.
10 Stage fear is due to wanting to act
unnatural (to impress others), not prepared to speak officially, not having
real required information to share.
1 Be powerful with unlimited silence and
love, with one (stream of) thought at a time, either one thought of combined
self and Baba(God) or one thought of action (along with feelings of peace and
bliss) all the time.
2 Experience unlimited
awareness-silence-mind free from all thoughts of soul and God like advaita
awareness. (Note: When the mind becomes still or focused on one stream of
thought, the unlimited awareness/consciousness/silence is naturally felt. It is
like we naturally get connected with unlimited consciousness of God and other
elevated souls)
3 (As per Carl G. Jung) Intuition of
knowing unknown things is part of certain personality but still those intuitive
thoughts can be God's touching.
4 By imagining, things or people are
made to act according to the imagination, like example of LIOR SUCHAR, the
mentalist who performs stage shows on psychic abilities.
1 When we imagine self and others as
soul, it is bit difficult because mind cannot think/imagine two things at the
same time, cannot focus on wordly thoughts and soul at the same time. But as we
continue the practice, the awareness changes. Instead of imagination (thoughts),
now it is feeling, awareness of self and others as consciousness and this
consciousness(feelings) can be maintained even when there are thoughts (of
actions). So, it becomes easy day by day, and you feel energetic, powerful,
concentrated. I feel that even some discomforts of the body also disappeared, it’s
really worth trying.
2 Like Jesus said, more we become innocent
child-like, simple, light, more easier is to experience soul consciousness.
3 God is known as Asochtha, the One who
never thinks (but only one stream of thought at any point of time) and so we,
His children.
4 To experience bliss most of the time. When
required, at times, to use power, unlimited awareness (of being a detached
observer). Use thoughts only at the appropriate time and related to appropriate
task. Other times experience self awareness, bliss by proper thought
5 See all human being on their forehead
* even while watching movies.
6 And also keep the number of thoughts
as least as possible to experience lightness of intellect. ( more number of
thoughts make the mind/consciousness heavy)
7 To remain in awareness of ☆ (self) constantly being dead to all the past, to
maintain natural awareness of Supreme ☆
(soul) naturally all the time.
8 24 hours, even during actions, (feelings/conscoiusness
of) sweetness and silence to be maintained all the time to remain sweetly
combined with awareness that God is doing all actions through me (karavanhar
sab kar rahe hai) with awareness of ** (self remain combined with Supreme Soul)
to remain free from the influence of senses. This
also helps to manage the psychological, biological and social influences.
9 The combined form ** (self remain
combined with Supreme Soul) will help in quick transformation at all levels
even preparing to handle higher responsibilities with balance of mind.
10 Feel the silence, lightness and
sweetness of self. Then focus on Supreme Soul to experience the unlimited
awareness along with silence, lightness and sweetness.
11 There is a simple practical method (of
five minutes exercise) to learn the spiritual method of realizing self - by
staring wall or any object or God. Watch (Stare) the wall (or empty space)
doing nothing being self aware (seeing through third eye) and be aware of the
awareness. (This leads to bliss which can be maintained all throughout the day).
12 Throughout the day, maintain the light
awareness what you experience in the morning meditation/silence.
13 Be aware of * (soul and God) all the
time, free from all types of bodily attraction of self and others.
14 Feel point (soul) and lightness all the
time along with balance of qualities, like love and law, serious and
entertaining, together.
15 Consider self as a soul and remember
God. Similarly, feel lightness of point (soul) to think and act.
16 Be * and feel the subtle lightness all
the time to remain free from body awareness and to experience all qualities of
17 Be in super conscious state of mind all
the time, the combination of conscious and sub conscious mind (free from the
past or present thoughts but feelings of peace, bliss love and light).
18 Be light, all the time to deal with
greater situations and also to express lightly to deal with new environment.
19 Soul Consciousness is important to reverse
the ageing process. By identifying with body, body becomes old, makes you feel
old / tired.
20 Look (be conscious) at others as souls, not
to see the face or body, to leave the body in remembrance of supreme light.
21 * is unlimited in consciousness and
without using eyes, * knows every incidence. * knows, not sees.* is light,
sweet in nature.
22 Know (feel) self as consciousness
expanded (like an aura) outside body, even whilst thinking (doing all actions),
all the time.
23 Look at others as souls and remain free
from 5 vices along with attraction and from 5 elements, known as 10 headed Ravan.
24 Remain combined free from waste
influence of ego, mind and intellect (but use it only when necessary).
25 Feel the lightness sweetness of (body,
mind and every cell) at amritvela (early morning meditation) and also
throughout the day.
26 Just be light keeping mind free of all
thoughts including point of light (free from images of everything) like Brahma
(Adam), angelic.
27 Remembrance: Practice remaining combined
28 Self Awareness: Know self as * instead
of the human form.
29 Be * and feel the limited and unlimited
awareness and also feel the light, light body in every cells of the body.
30 Plan during amritvela on what to think
throughout the day. (you will find that all you thought get done automatically
during day time)
31 With open eyes feel the ☆ all the time and maintain it for full day.
32 Either remain egoless or combined or in
gratitude (towards God) to remain light along with unlimitedness.
33 Be aware of soul in all actions so that
there is awareness even in sleep.
34 Constant attention and constant love for
God even if we have to slow down in action, thinking and speech. Remain constantly
light, not becoming action conscious.
35 For natural soul conscious, natural
remembrance, natural bapsamaan (God-like), be egoless, die alive and perform
all actions free from i and mine.
36 Complete detachment means like Dadi
Prakashmani, totally died alive of all the past. Baba Himself saluted her. Just
Me, the soul and Baba(God). None else. I soul and Baba soul. Nothing else in
the mind.
37 Initial experience of sweetness with
Baba: Egoless (free from various subtle egos) carefree stage connected with
Baba, similar to the stage of final stage of Dadi Prakashmani, combined stage,
Bapsamaan(God-like) stage, the stage of first visit of soul on earth-golden age
free from all past (clean and clear mind and consciousness).
38 Sweet Silence is natural remembrance of
Baba and has to be constant.
39 Not to think or feel i am a soul but
experience egoless soul consciousness and along with sweet remembrance
(consciousness/feeling of bliss, sweet, gratitude) of Baba.
40 See, know (feel) self and others as
41 Be in the conscious of supreme soul
awareness, unlimited lightness without ego.
42 Be egoless and extremely light in
meditation and also in action. Experience of lightness of soul and supreme soul
is spirituality.
43 Egoless lightness/sweetness of soul or
egoless might of soul has to be experienced constantly, as fresh in every
moment. Be aware of ☆
and its power every moment and be light in every moment during interaction.
44 During action and during meditation, to
be aware of S☆ being light,
clear with clarity, all the time. And in deep meditation, the physical world
and objects disappear and only ☆
and S☆ remains.
45 Be conscious and self aware all the time
including during sleep and dreams.
46 Be a point (consciousness) free from
even the conscious of own body and others body constantly connected with God
(feelings of bliss), died completely from the old world (old consciousness of
physical habits).
47 Be aware of soul-point of self all the
time like the image of the body is there in consciousness all the time.
(replace image of body with image of soul/consciousness).
48 Replace image of the body with point of
self (awareness).
49 The weakness is due to not practicing
seeing everyone as soul.
50 At all cost, practice seeing everyone as
soul (not to see the body or face). Very very important. And whilst looking any person, look at the
soul-* at the centre of forehead. Be point, see only point-soul in every body
in all interaction with everyone.
51 Always be aware of 3rd eye and look, do
all actions with awareness of 3rd eye. Remain connected with Sup* through 3rd
52 Not remembering any body or things means
not to get attracted by maya.
53 Seeing self as * (with attention on
centre of forehead) means not to get attracted by five sense organs and also
the mind.
54 The soul conscious of point and expanded
point seem to be own imagination. Become free from imagination and experience
the real awareness by the actual feeling as it is. The real experience is of
light, as if experiencing and speaking through a garb - aura of light - like
aakash vani (sound from the space), in Baba's words. The expansion of this aura
should be the unlimited consciousness.
55 The awareness of aura (garb of light) is
only the result of practicing self as point of light.
56 Be equal like supreme point of light,
like earlier days Dadi Gulzar (Baba’s) expressions, 24 hrs constantly.
1 And one of the signs you are focused
is, you will have dreams of seeing yourself floating or flying.
2 It is always a good practice to keep a
diary next to your bed to write about your dreams, generally they are astral
travels, if your stage was good during day time or at amritvela.
3 Less we think during day time, less
imaginative dreams but more astral travel and astral healing.
4 Feel lightness of being a point all
the time, even one minute (or few hours) of this practice make us keep flying
in dreams.
1 Constantly experience the qualities of
soul with pleasure and all powers-tolerance, angel-double light, detached and
loving, free from all subtle arrogance of body consciousness, like a
deity-benefactor, sweet in nature.
2 Practice few and slow thoughts and
actions, to remain connected with Baba all the time and in every moment.
3 Less speed jn thoughts and actions
helps to maintain the stage (of being combined, lightness and bliss) whilst in
1 To surrender even mind and remain
aware of Supreme Soul and His qualities.
2 The soul should be free of all types
of attachments being died alive. The volcanic yogic stage has to be maintained
24hrs in a natural way, egoless stage.
3 To be sakshi (detached observer) and
saathi (in company with God) all the time.
Excellent article. Everyone must read and follow it. Really helpful for sweet spriritus journey.
ReplyDeleteExcellent, thought provoking
ReplyDeleteVery nice helpful and informative article
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