Thursday, 14 February 2019

The only way towards constant bliss beyond the duality of happiness and sorrow.

The only way towards constant bliss beyond the duality of happiness and sorrow

1. Consciousness is of bliss and love when it remains detached from mind, its related feelings and emotions, 5 senses and physical body although aware of the physical world. It is known as angelic body or body of light which can be experienced whilst doing all actions. Angel is the one who remains detached like a lotus flower although it remains in the water (actions).

2. When the Consciousness is detached from all that is physical and physical world, it experiences unlimited awareness of silence similar to the Brahm element, similar to the deep silence of God. This experience of deep silence rejuvenates the soul, mind and body. It is also called as Incorporeal stage or seed stage or sweet silence. This stage is normally experienced when the intellect has nothing much of external objects to focus.

3. There are times when we remain a detached observer. This stage of detached observer is like a transit point between the Angelic and Incorporeal stage. 

4. The spiritual effort to experience constant bliss and love for God is to remain detached like a lotus flower although we use our mind, five senses and body along with feelings and emotions. By remaining detached, we experience natural inner bliss - happiness beyond the five senses along with unconditional love and gratitude for God.

All other happiness that is caused by the senses and mind are temporary and dependent.

5. The secret to experience Angelic stage or seed stage of bliss is to experience Detachment of consciousness all the time not influenced by the mind, feelings, emotions, five senses and physical body. The physical body has to be relaxed, Mind has to be focused on present with one to four thoughts in a minute, feelings and emotions caused by mind - thoughts are to be neutral, five senses to be under control in  a natural way.

6. There are times, when we get lost in love of God in both the Angelic and Seed stage.

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