Thursday, 9 April 2020

Difference between Silence and Meditation

Difference between Silence and Meditation

When we detached from 5 senses and mind, we become silent, as a detached observer, even bodiless. This state is called dhyana or turiya.

When we detach from "I and mine" but lost in love of God, becoming an embodiment of lightness and sweetness is called meditation, yoga - union - connection of self with Supreme God. Even here silence exists but it is sweet in nature known as bliss.

The example of yoga is:  like the moth get sacrificed in the flame losing its own identity. The moth and flame become one. This also known as turiyateet or samadhi or remembrance of God.

When we are focused, silent and having good wishes for self and others, accepting every situation knowing everything is beneficial without any anxiety about future but only hope at every moment with constant love for God is known as yoga where you spread unconditional love constantly even whilst doing any action, even if there is a need to leave the body known as death.

In fact, we should be happy to leave this prison of body. There is a wonderful world of love awaiting for all of us, the moment we renounce this awareness of body known as "I and mine". This world of unconditional love and hope is what we experience in sweet meditation in remembrance of God.

Spirituality and its application:

1. As a child, spirituality is its nature with its curiousity and purity.
2. As a student, spirituality is focus, concentration, cooperation and enthusiasm.
3. As a graduate, spirituality is specialization, creativity and research.
4. As an adult, spirituality is unselfish service, unconditional love, service for humanity.
5. In middle age, spirituality is sharing the knowledge and wisdom gained in life with others.
6. In old age spirituality is acceptance, tolerance and bliss enabling others to move towards these eternal nature.

And to be spiritual in our everyday life, we need to be in touch with our real nature that existed within us as a child, in solitude atleast one hour every day.

And spirituality is nothing but Divinity in action.

Importance of Silence:

Silence is power.
Silence is light.
Silence connects you with God.
In Silence you have no doubt or confusion but clarity of what, when,where and how to do.
Silence is courage.
Silence is shield for protection.
Silence is attention and concentration.
In Silence even ghost will never dare to approach you.
In Silence you heal self and others.
In Silence your intention and thought become a reality.
In Silence, you respond to others in a right manner.
In Silence, others become co-operative with you.
Silence creates an aura all around you.
Your Silence keeps your mind focused and even make others mind become still.
In Silence you get right intuitions at the right time.
In Silence even 5 elements never hurts but protects.
Silence is my original form and final form.
I do everything in silence before birth and after death.
Silence keep our cells in the body rejuvenated and healthy.
Silence is Sweet and Silence is Bliss.
Silence makes your awareness move from limited to unlimited.
In Silence, the brain waves moves from beta to alpha to theta to delta and even to gama.
In silence the left and right brain becomes synchronized activating the whole outer and inner brain making you become more alert, creative, intelligent and healthy.
And in Silence, when you have a synchronized brain, you have mystical and out of body spiritual experiences.
In Silence, your brain and heart vibrate with high frequency waves cleansing all emotional blocks in chakras.
In Silence, the energy consumption is very less and the body never becomes tired.

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