Topic: Western Psychology (WP) is a failure and Indian Psychology
(IP) is not a success because both WP and IP lack the knowledge of the Creator
(Virtuous Nature) and Creation (Virtuous Being). And there is the Modern Indian
Psychology (MIP) for a Paradigm shift.
Introduction: Why Western Psychology is called as a failure and
Indian Psychology (IP) which is also known as Spirituality is not a success
because both have never come out with a solution for the current crisis at both
an individual level and at the social level. Human beings are not free from
either mental illness or physical illness. Education or Counseling or
Epistemology of Psychology has never helped the humanity to live a peaceful,
healthy and happy life. Of course both Western and Eastern Psychology are
trying their level best but the ultimate goal is yet to be attained and it is
beyond the reach of the masses.
In India, UGC has already
included Indian Psychology as part of the NET syllabus and many leading
universities have introduced Indian Psychology as syllabus for Post Graduate
Students. There is a realization for re-inventing the Indian Psychology to
tackle the continuing psychological crisis.
Ontology: Western Psychology
(WP) knows about the being but did not explore. Eastern Psychology(EP) has
wealth of knowledge about the being but did not make it available for a common
man instead kept it philosophical and made it a different filed as Philosophy
and being used only by religious gurus, unattainable and out of reach to the
common people.
Human being consists of :
a. Being
or Self
b. Mind(all
types of thoughts)
c. Intellect
(Intentional thoughts to take decisions)
d. Memories
(recording of thoughts)
e. 5
Sense organs
g. All
comprising body
Western Psychology(WP): Western Psychology founders like Wilhelm Wundt
, William James and Wilhelm Dilthey were
aware of the being through Greek and Indic influences, but without exploring or
doing research on it, they did research on mind, intellect and memories which
is further went into expansion by dividing the mind / thoughts in to conscious,
sub conscious and unconscious by Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler.
The being can be known as a Driver
of a Car or it is like a Programmer of a Computer. WP are like a good mechanic
and Hardware experts, devised experiments to understand mind, intellect,
memories and their various forms and workings in real life leaving the Driver /
programmer untouched.
Very little they realized that the
Car/Computer cannot be set right when the driver/programmer is insane and
abnormal. It is like you keep repairing the car / computer and give it to an
unlicensed or ill-trained driver/programmer to operate it. This way WP has
become a failure in spite of all its valuable efforts.
Eastern Psychology(EP) and Indian Psychology(IP): Eastern Psychology is well known for the great
philosophies of Lord Buddha for Buddhism, Adi Sankarachariar for Brahma Sutras,
Vivekachoodamani, Bhajagovindam , Upanishads and Vedas of great Sages, Sage
Vyasa for Bhagawatham and Bhagawad Gita, Tulsidas, Kamban, Valmiki for Ramayan,
Ramana Maharishi, Sri Aurobindo, Swami Vivekanand, Swami Paramahamsa Yoganand, his
guru Sri Yukteshwar and great ancient rishis like Sage Agastyar, Sage Nandi
Devar and his disciples like Sage Patanjali of Yoga Sutras, the compiler of
Ayurveda Sage Charaka, Sage Sushruta and many great thinkers like
J.Krishnamurthy, Swamy Rama and Swamy Chinmayanand, Sage Vallalar, Sage
Pattinathar and many more.
Here in Eastern and Indian
Psychology, they understood and explained about Being, mind, intellect, senses,
sense organs and body. Like for example Sage Patanjali gives Ashatanga yoga,
the eight steps of Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana
and Samadhi for the complete human being. Ayurved had explanation for the
categories of thoughts like Satwik, Rajasic and Tamasic, their effects and
remedies, even went to the extent of saying that distortion of intellect is the
main cause for all sufferings, since distortion of intellect leads us to live
an unhealthy life style affecting our both mind and body.
The history says that due to
foreign invasions in India, due to western influences, not working on our own
treasure of Indic knowledge instead following the Western Experimental
Psychology and also by living a life of split personality by dividing spiritual
and professional life in to two different aspects, we were not able to practice
the application of spirituality or true being, true nature in real life. It has
been taught and lived as if all that is connected with our being or unseen
values and virtues which have to be observed with attention and introspection
are only for the other world (after death) and all that is material and
physical which are visible and easily observable is for this world. And in fact
this attitude is just the imitation of the western psychologists by the Eastern
and Indian Psychologists. Indian Psychologists denounced the being thinking
that, being is pure philosophy and not connected with Science or Psychology or
real life application.
In India and East, although the
importance of being is understood very well in detail more than the Greek
philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and others like Immanuel Kant, it
remained only in books, scriptures and rituals without any scope for Research
and real life application. All researches were carried out as per the Western Psychology
on mind, emotions leaving behind the being who is the real Driver / Programmer
of mind, intellect, feelings, emotions, memory, attitude, personality,
character, will power, senses and body.
Following are some of the reasons why Western Psychology is a failure
and Indian Psychology is not a success:
1. God (Creator): Both Western and Indian
Psychology consider God as someone for religious purpose and non-professional.
In reality, as explained in Patanjali’s yog sutra, Upanishads and Brahma
Kumaris, God is the One Being who helps us to understand or recall the Original
Qualities / nature of human being whenever human being forgets or loses his
real nature. It is like, God is a role model or Sample who is completely virtuous,
with whom I can compare myself and set right my differences every moment. Not
knowing the real purpose of God, we keep comparing ourselves with Cine actors
(as shown in the screen), neighbours and other human beings to imitate and role
model their disturbed personality leading to degradation.
Plato shares Socrates views in
“The Republic” that human beings have degraded God’s benevolent and
compassionate nature by attributing violence, hate and revenge to God through
Scriptures and Poetry. Plato says: the most important thing what we have to do
is to remove all degradations attributed to God in the scriptures and books. So
that, our children have a true role model of God to imitate from their child-hood
2. Being (Creation): Western Psychologists
totally ignored the being due to the philosophical nature given to self. Even
in India, it is said that the being is universal and unlimited (in fact the
being is an individual but his consciousness is unlimited), all is one, kept
sharing views of quantum physics which is not at all applicable to real life
situations. In reality, Being or every individual has natural qualities of
peace, love, happiness, compassion, mercy – all positive emotions and virtues
as their original personality which is nothing but same like the God. Although
Buddhism preaches these qualities, it has become a religion and is expressed as
a religious practice of renunciates only leaving God and individual being
beyond their scope of consideration.
In reality, the positive
qualities and virtues are natural nature of a being, the original personality,
which has to be applied in real life activities and interactions. By psychologists
and other professionals, these qualities have been kept aside thinking they are
unprofessional and not to be used for our bread and butter.
3. Research: Researches have been carried
out and many theories / approaches have been in use to set right the
personality of an individual neither knowing the role model to imitate nor
knowing the ideal personality to achieve. It is like groping in the dark and
blind men leading the blind. And this is exactly happening in psychology.
a. Western
Psychology does not know about the goal to attain and the tools and techniques
it uses to attain cannot lead to its goals. Because it leave aside the
Driver/Programmer and keep working on the hardware.
b. Eastern
psychology, although it knows the real nature of being, at the same time
misunderstanding and misinterpretations in religion and scriptures about God
and Being make it complicated and it lacks in real life application.
If we know that the goal or the
qualities of being to be attained and also know the role model – Godly divine attributes, free
from distortions, we can easily control the tools and techniques accordingly to
reach the final destination of healthy being - personality both in mind and
Solution – Modern Indian Psychology(MIP): For a better solution, we need to have a
paradigm shift in psychology like introducing a Modern Indian Psychology which
is going to be far advanced than the existing Western, Eastern and Indian
Psychology but at the same time taking into consideration the positive
attributes of existing psychology.
We can categorize two types of
groups. One is students and other as professionals.
For students:
a. We
have to educate them on Original personality, its positive qualities, virtues,
values and how to retain this original personality in all walks of life. This
has to be taught with practice and experience, even from nursery classes.
b. Research
has to be done on real life application of Original personality in various
professional lives.
c. Students
are to be shown the true divine positive attributes, virtues and values as the role
model to be followed in life.
This approach of Modern Indian Psychology is elaborated
in the Book: Shrimat Bhagawad Gita available
at http://shiva.ind.in/Courses/
For Professionals:
Training has to be provided on not
just teaching values and positive thinking but how to get connected with their
original personality and emerge those qualities from within. Nowadays, it has
become fashionable to talk about values and positive thinking but very few
teach the method to move from distorted personality back to original
personality of values and virtues.
This approach of Modern Indian Psychology is elaborated
in the Book: Shrimat Bhagawad Gita available
at http://shiva.ind.in/Courses/
Conclusion: Based on our experiences and result of various
researches, we know that by knowledge of mind, intellect, organs, we are not
able to get rid of either mental or physical disorders. Because we leave aside
the driver / programmer of these mind, intellect and sense organs.
It is the real need of the hour
to work on the Driver/Programmer and by making human perfect by helping him
retain his original personality of values and virtues to make all his
subordinates like mind, intellect, memory and senses to become hale and
If the knowledge and the method
is right, then it reflects on our personality, health, society and the world.
As we know and see the real condition of the world with physical and mental
disorders, we know our existing knowledge and methods need a complete paradigm
shift, a re-evaluation. It’s time to re-invent our personality and re-invent
the ways we deal with physical and mental disorders by understanding the
Creator – the role model of divine personality and Creation - individual goal of divine nature.
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