Friday 9 April 2021

The Deep Secrets of Spiritual Effort by Dadi Gulzar and Dadi Janki.

The Deep Secrets of Spiritual Effort

The Deep Secret of Spiritual Effort:

1. The Stages of Spiritual Effort:

Beginning Soul Conscious stage is to experience peace, love and bliss.

At present (later stage) is to have the stage of world Benefactor in addition to Soul conscious stage.

2. Jwalamukhi stage is to transform the sanskars of self and others with the stage of light and might house.

3. Seed Stage is to be in essence without going into expansion.

To perform action being in Seed Stage to make the action powerful. If we dont remain in seed stage, we go into expansion.

Jwala mukhi stage pulls others attention towards it.

The main effort is to become soul conscious. 

4. Body-less stage is to get lost in deep sweet silence combined with God's love.

First, the soul become silent, there is power to detach and withdraw. In body-less stage, we are at home (paramdham).

In sweet and deep silence, we dont realize how much time had  elapsed and we become free from body. This create a good influence - vibration. It will help people forget sorrow.

Even just a minute/second of silence will spread its effect  for a long time and  throughout the day it would keep pulling you.

I am not mind. Mind belongs to me. I am the master of the mind.

5. Four Types of Thoughts: Positive, Negative, Waste and Ordinary.

The speed of waste thoughts is fast. Negative thoughts is poison and it needs to be transformed immediately.

There are 1. Positive and 2. Negative thoughts. 3. Waste thoughts depletes lot of energy. 

You receive energy when you never have waste thoughts. Positive thinking generates power.

Never remember own body or any other person.

Even 4. Ordinary thoughts by listening or speaking never make you great. The greatness become far distant. Ordinary thoughts lead you to waste thoughts.

6. Language of Eyes:

Our stage, vibration, feelings and attitude reflect in our language of eyes.

Rishis and Munis calm down even wild animals with drishti and our eyes with God's attainments and powers create wonders.

7. Power of Silence:

There is a difference between silence of subtle world and silence of Paramdham.

We need to taste-experience the silence of paramdham being here, to find the path of Home (soul world).

The power - current comes from soul world. Lightness comes from meeting Baba in subtle world.

There should not be leniency in my spiritual effort at any point of time. There should be constant attention.

Without the experience of deep silence of soul world, it is difficult to experience company of God (Baba) in subtle world and help others to come closer to Baba.

We become subtle by experiencing deep silence and by having company of God (Baba) in subtle world, then it becomes natural nature.

We have to do it. Not that we will do it or see about it. 

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